Friday, May 05, 2006

Beulah - When Your Heartstrings Break

One of the best albums I own. My favorite album by my favorite band on Elephant Six. Just some phenomenal pop writing on this cd, like I've said before, sometimes it's hard to review something you really love. Did I mention the horns? The instrumentation on this album are absolutely amazing. With melodies like the Beach Boys, and great lyrics and vocals by Miles Kurosky, this will leave you wanting more after it's over. My favorite songs are most definitely "Emma Blowgun's Last Stand", "If We Can Land A Man On the Moon, Surely I Can Win Your Heart", and the opener "Score From Augusta". This album will be perfect for you When Your Heartstrings Break.

11 songs, 34 minutes

Link found on Peanut's World of Music

Buy it used here.

Oh my god. I was just watching Deal or No Deal because I have no life. The girl was offered $299,000 but she declined the deal. And now the offer's down to $25,000. I feel so bad. It's probably the worst show ever made. But it's really funny to watch. I'll be back tomorrow hopefully with another post.

How do you pronounce the name of this band? Is it bella?
You watch that show far too much for your own good.
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