Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A LOT of the Pixies over at Feijao Tropeiro
plus some other good albums you should check out.

Another great blog of mostly classic rock/folk is Floodlit Footprint that you should browse if you haven't before. They've got a great collection of the Faces/Small Faces over there which you can see here.

Giselle's been in NYC the past two days with Chorus. I know, LAME. I've been on a 69 Love Songs rampage recently. What are you guys all enjoying? We'd like to know. As always, I'll be back sometime hopefully in the near future with some more posts.

Monday, May 29, 2006


June 25 at the Central Park Summerstage
Feist/Jason Collett

June 30th at the Prospect Park Bandshell
Voxtrot/TV on the Radio/Matt Pond PA

July 4th
at the Great Lawn - Battery Park
Belle and Sebastian/Martha Wainwright

July 27th at the Prospect Park Bandshell
Dracula - Phillip Glass & The Kronos Quartet



Thursday, May 25, 2006

Giselle and I never post here anymore. We apologize. She doesn't want to get sued, while I just kind of lost my music blogging spark, you know?

Anyways though, The Boy Least Likely To is pretty much one of my favorite bands ever and their debut album "The Best Party Ever" truly is the best party ever. I'm fairly positive it's my favorite album of this millenium so far.

Peanut's World of Music had a post about them few days ago, with a link to their album. Read the post here.

Did I mention I'm seeing them in about two weeks?!!!!!!!!

I'm going to New York with my sister and Giselle if she can come on June 13th to see them. Excitement is an understatement. I've never been to a real show before either. I mean, I've been to some local metal/hardcore shows of my friends, but I don't think that really counts. The day of the show is also the date of my birthday, and I turn 16 so it's pretty sweet. Yeah.

In other news, if you're not The Boy Least Likely To's friend on Myspace, you may not have known that they posted one of their new songs called "Rock Upon A Porch With You" available for download, a B-side on one of their singles. It truly is ridiculous that this song is a B-side single, it sounds like it could be a single by itself. With the usual bells and the addition of a madolin (I think?), it makes for another great pop song by the Brits.

Boy Least Likely To - Rock Upon A Porch With You

Go support the band on their (mostly) US Tour:

May 30 2006 8:00P
plaza club vancouver, BC
May 31 2006 8:00P
chop suey seattle, WA
Jun 1 2006 8:00P
doug fir lounge portland, OR
Jun 2 2006 6:00P
amoeba records san francisco, CA
Jun 2 2006 8:00P
great american music hall san francisco, CA
Jun 3 2006 2:00P
fingerprints records los angeles, CA
Jun 3 2006 8:00P
the roxy los angeles, CA
Jun 6 2006 8:00P
fox theatre boulder, CO
Jun 8 2006 8:00P
varsity theatre minneapolis, MN
Jun 9 2006 8:00P
schubas chicago, IL
Jun 10 2006 8:00P
revival toronto, ON
Jun 11 2006 8:00P
cabaret du musee juste pour rire montreal, QC
Jun 12 2006 8:00P
tt the bears boston, MA
Jun 13 2006 8:00P
knitting factory new york, NY
Jun 24 2006 1:00P
wireless festival, hyde park london

Like always, I'll try to update when I'm able to, or I come across some good music I feel like sharing with you all. I went to New York today. It was nice I guess. NYC's not my favorite, but I enjoyed it. The bus ride home took THREE hours though, it was insane. I'll be back sometime later.

Monday, May 22, 2006

What's up. How have you all been? Sorry for the lack of posts.

Go visit Una Piel Del Astracan. They're posting more over there a day than I can even come up with. And even if they didn't, I wouldn't be able to since it's all in Spanish.

That was a pretty lame joke. Even though it's written in Spanish, you can get the gist of what they're saying for the most part hopefully if you don't speak Spanish. I take Latin.

I feel like an asshole for just posting the links to these albums, but I just can't help but want to share this music I enjoy so much with you.

I'm From Barcelona's debut full-length and my favorite of this year so far by a longshot. I don't really even know where to begin describing the joy listening to this brings me.

The new hyped Danielson album. And well deserving of it I might add. One of the top albums of the year so far for sure.

The long awaited new Shearwater full-length. Honestly, I prefer Winged Life, but this one probably just needs some time to get used to I think. Some great songs on it though.

Now that I feel like a total thief, I'm going to go watch Deal or No Deal. Oh Yeah!

I'll be back sometime hopefully. I'm reading Angels and Demons and I can't put it down. I actually might like it better than the Da Vinci Code.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I got so excited when I saw Una Piel De Astracan had posted the Pipettes full-length debut due sometime this summer.

It's what I expected, I've listened to it a few times through, and even though I've heard already about half of the songs on the album, I was very satisfied. Give it a listen, it's just catchy girl group power pop.

Link courtesy of Una Piel De Astracan

I'm sorry I haven't been up to date on this blog. Google Adsense cancelled my account if you hadn't noticed that there are no ads up anymore. I'll try to be back sometime over the weekend. This week is just so bland. Last track meet tomorrow, thank god. Maybe I'll have some more time for the blog, or maybe I'll just get out there and enjoy myself. Either way, I'll be back sometime soon.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Words cannot describe the beauty of this band and the songs they are capable of creating. Well, that was a lie, they probably could. I'm just lazy and dead tired.

A Great Wind More Ash
Dokkoise House (With Face Covered)
Gary and Marcus
Don't Kid Yourself You Need A Physician

As you can see in Giselle's post below she and I went to prom last night. We look pretty damn good, eh? YUM AND SLURP?

So Sean and I went to the prom yesterday and I know you're dying to see what we looked like:

Okay and if you couldn't care less about what attractive human beings we are, here are some albums to check out, courtesy of other blogs around the net:

Brian Eno/David Byrne - Another Day on Earth (found here)

Erlend Øye - Unrest (found here)

Arab Strap - Elephant Shoe (found here)

Gang of Four - Yellow EP (found here)


Monday, May 08, 2006


The Sound of Urchin
You are the Best

These guys are RIDICULOUS.
Visit their MySpace for a preview.

They do all of this (and more) on 14 tracks in 57 minutes:
  • Hip-Hop
  • Guitar-driven Rock
  • Reggae
  • Pop
  • Metal
  • Funk
This album may be best-described as FUN and CONTAGIOUS.
Listen to it in a car with subs. It will blow your mind.

Also, Space Station on the 4, 5, & 6 is pretty much the best song ever.
Get the whole album for that song ALONE.



PS: View Sean's cry for attention in the post below mine, and click on the ads. Thank you!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Here are two pictures of myself. I thought it's kind of weird that a lot of you read me all the time and have no idea what I even look like.

Go here to see the picture of Giselle feeding David Bowie. Also, whoever posted as Anonymous on that picture, Giselle would like to get in contact with you ASAP. E-mail me or leave us a comment and I'll give you her phone number and address.

I took down the link to my Myspace because Giselle made fun of me. And even worse in French!

Leave comments on these pictures I posted so I can totally show up Giselle. Or you can just click my ads.

I'll post some music tomorrow I hope.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out Of This Country

The new Camera Obscura album. I know you guys are excited. I'm downloading it right now from this great blog CUCKOO IN HARAJUKU but I'll probably let you know what I think of it later. Tell me what you think anyways.

EDIT: I listened to the album and it's really great. While I still prefer Underchievers, it's definitely one of my favorites of the year so far. Merge Records requested forr the link to be taken down so go out and buy it!

Buy it here.



Tilly and the Wall - Bottom of the Barrels

Oh No! posted thiis today. Go over and check the post out. I've had it for about a month and I really enjoy it. I'm not really sure if I like it more than their debut, but regardless, it's very good if not great. There are still plenty of handclaps and tap dancing, no worries.

Again, for testing purposes ONLY.

Buy it here.

I'm spending my Friday night watching Deal or No Deal and posting new leaked albums. Oh wow. I had a track meet today. I don't really like track. Too much running, you know? I mean, who runs nowadays when we have cars. And bikes. That would be sweet if we had a biking team. It could be like track, except on bikes! Hurdles would be fun, huh? hah I'll try to be back if you click the ads so Gisellle and I can go feed our starving bodies with pommegranates or something. I totally fucked up the spelling on that.

Beulah - When Your Heartstrings Break

One of the best albums I own. My favorite album by my favorite band on Elephant Six. Just some phenomenal pop writing on this cd, like I've said before, sometimes it's hard to review something you really love. Did I mention the horns? The instrumentation on this album are absolutely amazing. With melodies like the Beach Boys, and great lyrics and vocals by Miles Kurosky, this will leave you wanting more after it's over. My favorite songs are most definitely "Emma Blowgun's Last Stand", "If We Can Land A Man On the Moon, Surely I Can Win Your Heart", and the opener "Score From Augusta". This album will be perfect for you When Your Heartstrings Break.

11 songs, 34 minutes

Link found on Peanut's World of Music

Buy it used here.

Oh my god. I was just watching Deal or No Deal because I have no life. The girl was offered $299,000 but she declined the deal. And now the offer's down to $25,000. I feel so bad. It's probably the worst show ever made. But it's really funny to watch. I'll be back tomorrow hopefully with another post.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Cold Cold Water

The Blow
What Tom Said About Girls


Kimya Dawson

All Girl Summer Fun Band
Mr. & Mrs. Troublemaker

Karl Blau
Into the Nada



Wednesday, May 03, 2006


In case you weren't aware, Shearwater will be releasing their new full-length album Palo Santo on May 9th. My brother and sister saw them on tour with the Mountain Goats a while back and that's how I came to know about them. My brother bought their cd Winged Life at the show, and it's just marvelous. Even though you may have heard of this band as an Okkervil River side project, this band truly emerges as a separate entity on this album. I'm a huge Okkervil fan, but Shearwater has written some absolutely amazing pop songs, including one of my all time favorites "The Convert" which will leave you in a daze.

Here's an mp3 from the new album they posted on their site. For this one they ship out the piano, and create an all-around moving song. I'm not really sure if I should call it bitter or beautiful, well see for yourselves:
Seventy-four, Seventy-five

And here is another one I just found on Misra Records:
White Waves

It's pretty good as I'm listening for the first time. If the album's anything like these two mp3's, I'll be more than happy.

Feel free to download more mp3's from their other albums here at their site.

Here's the tracklist as I received via Pichfork, who wrote a little news article on the new album today. I was planning to post on them today anyways before I saw that. LIE.

01 La Dame et la Licorne
02 Red Sea, Black Sea
03 White Waves
04 Palo Santo
05 Seventy-four, Seventy-five
06 Nobody
07 Sing, Little Birdie
08 Johnny Viola
09 Failed Queen
10 Hail, Mary
11 Going Is Song

Buy their new album here.

Enjoy. Hopefully get around to posting their album Winged Life sometime, it's great. I'll be back sometime if I have can find anything to eat around the neighborhood so I don't die of starvation. I heard a new family just moved down the street, and supposedly they have a newborn. That was terrible, I'm sorry, cannibalism is bad. Or you can just click on the ads, whichever. Really though, I appreciate all the ad clicks we've been receiving the past few days, it really means a lot to us. And our doctors.

Monday, May 01, 2006

As always, I've gotta outdo Giselle so I decided to do another post seeing as she's done two days in a row.

Umm so yeah, what should I post about. Let's see.

Well, whenever I can't think of anything I go back to Belle and Sebastian.

Here are three new songs from the Scottish band on their new single "The Blues Are Still Blue", an excellent track off their new album.

Belle and Sebastian - Mr. Richard
Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit
Belle and Sebastian - Whiskey in the Jar

Sorry for the last two on Savefile. Just follow the directions to the download.

Buy it when it comes out here.

I expect I'll be back if Giselle keeps on trying to show me up. Also, please click the ads every once in a while so we can support not only this site, but our lives. We're starving and this is our only source of income.


Plus/Minus (+/-) :: Ventriloquist

Flin Flon:: Floods

The Ropers :: You Have a Light

Sisterhood of Convoluted :: All I Want

Hot Pursuit :: Number One

Panax :: The Garden

Tel Aviv :: Honey There is More

True Love Always :: Modesto


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