Sunday, April 30, 2006
Pavement - All My Friends
Mogwai - Folk Death 95
M. Ward - Vincent O'Brien
Arab Strap - Love Detective
Cat Power - The Greatest
Steven Malkmus - Baby C'mon
Guided by Voices - Gonna Never Have to Die
Arcade Fire - Cold Wind
Probably my favorite Arcade Fire song, and it wasn't even on their album. It was made exclusively for the show Six Feet Under. It's just so beautiful and amazing.
Be back sometime maybe in the next few days if you click my ads every once in a while.
Friday, April 28, 2006
It's pretty good.
I included a song by them in my Sping Mix
Here's their album.
I can't find any links to buy it, but look anyways.
Hey guys, Sean and I (Giselle) just went to a graveyard, it was pretty nice.
I also just made tooth plural. No need to thank me, Sean.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Rilo Kiley - The Execution of All Things

Buy the album here.
If you need a test though:
This place was built for moving out.
(I had a godawful joke about Jenny Lewis here.) But if anyone associated with the band Rilo Kiley does want it taken down, please don't sure me or something. Instead just e-mail me at and I'll take it down immediately. Same goes for any other things posted on this blog.
In other news, Past Tense has been posting some great albums over there. I highly advise you to go and burshen up on your musical history. They just posted sweet albums, one by the Small Faces and one by the Faces.
I used to like three posts a day, and now I'm lucky (well I guess you'd be lucky) if I do one post every three days. Sorry about that. I should be back with another post sometime before this month's over hopefully.
Monday, April 24, 2006
On this day (April 24th) in 1968 Apple Records refused to sign David Bowie.
...Here are some sweet mashups (mp3s) to make up for it:
Bob Dylan vs. David Bowie
The Beatles vs. Depeche Mode vs. David Bowie
The Killers vs. David Bowie
The Pussycat Dolls vs. David Bowie
Hot Hot Heat vs. David Bowie

Friday, April 21, 2006
Spring Mix Volume 2 (new and improved)
joke Giselle, I really liked yours
Anyways here's the tracklist:
Bright Eyes and Britt Daniel - Spent on Rainy Days
Blueboy - Favorite Things
Radar Bros. - Open Ocean Sailing (one of my favorite songs ever)
Islands - I Feel Evil (Live)
Dear Nora - Since You Went Away
Michel Polnareff - L'Amour Avec Toi
Franklin Bruno - Thin Weak Smile
Danielson - Cast It At The Setting Sail (my favorite song of this year thus far)
Sweet Teeth - An Appeal
Stereolab - French Disko
Sunset Rubdown - They Took a Vote and Said No (reminds me of my town budget)
The Go! Team - The Ice Storm
The Salteens - Let Go Of Your Bad Days
Aberdeen - Sink or Float
An Albatross - The Revolutionary Politics of Dance (best song ever)
Belle and Sebastian - Funny Little Frog (acoustic)
Leslies - Collins
Maximo Park - Limassol
Mojo Nixon - Girlfriend in a Coma (The Smiths)
Neil Diamond - Longfellow Serenade
Run DMC vs. Tom Petty - Free Adidas (what's a mix without a mashup?)
The Mountain Goats - Color In Your Cheeks
Koufax - Let Us Know
The Modern Lovers - Foggy Notion (unreleased Velvet Underground song)
24 songs, 78 minutes
Listen to it. doesn't have too much to do with the Spring but it's pretty much the best mix ever made.
Sorry for the carelessness on the blog regarding my effort the past few days. It's vacation! I'll try to be more active (if you click the ads).
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I suppose I'm a few weeks late with this, but I just found out that Shapes and Sizes was signed to Asthmatic Kitty Recs (Sufjan Stevens, Castanets, etc.), and I am ECSTATIC, to say the least. I first heard them when listening to compilations by Whiskey & Apples Recs a while back, and I was taken aback by their awesome sound. They're releasing a full-length album on July 25th and I can't wait to buy it. You won't be able to wait, either, after you hear the mp3s below:
Island's Gone Bad mp3
Wilderness mp3
I hope everyone is doing well! Take it easy.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Your brain will explode if you do not like pop.
Movie Ending Romance - Math & Physics Club
Big Guns - Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins
Seen the Light - Supergrass
Jennifer Louise - Of Montreal
The Art of Cooking for Two - The Lucksmiths
Eyes - Apollo Sunshine
Engine Heart - Mirah
The Cemetery - Architecture in Helsinki
Everything About You - The Field Mice
La Salle des Pas Perdus - Mondae
Tomorrow - The Cardigans
Skateboarding Saves Me Twice - Grandaddy
Between the Lines - Sambassadeur
Fidelity - Regina Spektor
Raised by Wolves - Voxtrot
I'll Bring the Sun - Jason Collett
I'd Rather Dance With You - Kings of Convenience
C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips - OK Go
Another Sunny Day - Belle & Sebastian
Treehouse - I'm From Barcelona
Bloom On Demand - Les Savy Fav
21 tracks, 1hr 7min.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
-Sean (link received from Regnyouth)
password: wholovesska
I think I'm going to go out and buy cd's by this band and I strongly encourage you to do so too, but I can't find a link for this album on Amazon.
I'm at a point in my life right now where I'm just content with the music I already have and with everything really. I mean, I seriously feel like I could listen just to the music on my computer for the rest of my life and be happy. So I'll mostly be posting some of my older favorite albums and directing you to some good stuff posted by other blogs like I did today. I'll also be doing mp3 posts though hopefully, just not so many full albums. Sorry, but like I said, I'm happy with the music I own, plus I doubt my computer could hold much more. Also, the whole thing that this is illegal and could get me into serious trouble doesn't exactly encourage me. I should be back within the next few days though with another post. Hopefully you didn't read through all of this because it's just me rambling, and if you did, I apologize.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Belle and Sebastian - Christmas Peel Session
Happy Easter!!! Or Happy Passover I guess if you're Jewish. Is that still going on? I think it is. It lasts like seven days I think. Anyways, I'm going to go be with my family. Cheers.
Saturday, April 15, 2006

A.C. Newman
The Slow Wonder
Despite the great simplicity that is demonstrated, there is not a weak song on the album, and it far surpasses anything the New Pornographers have done, in my opinion (sorry, Neko.) I have complete confidence that you will enjoy this listen and not just see it as a follow-up to “Mass Romantic”.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Dressy Bessy - Pink Hearts Yellow Moons

Pink Hearts Yellow Moons
Buy it here for $50 on Amazon from a private seller because that will totally support the band, right?
I have some practice SAT thing tomorrow most of tomorrow, and I seriously doubt I'll be in the mood for a post tomorrow but who knows. Click on the ads, every single one helps and once we get to $100, we receive a check so each of us will be able to buy like two cd's or so.
I just had an idea and I wanted to know how you all felt about it. Since there's been all this commotion in the blogging world the past few weeks with Child Star and the recently deceased The Indie Connection, I was wondering if instead of posting the whole album, we should just post about half of the album. This kind of satisifies both arguments, because honestly cd's cost too much nowadays and I often have made an ill-advised decision in purchasing due to listening to one song I liked by a band, yet it's still going to get the downloader to go out and purchase the cd since they'll want to listen to the other half. Let me know what you all think about it in the comments or e-mail me at
Be back later, I'm watching a movie.
Honestly, compared to their actual albums, this does not even compare. It's not very good quality, but it is interesting tp see Jeff Mangum and NMH in their early stages. One of the reasons I'm posting this is because it isn't available elsewhere so it's relatively guilt-free, but another one is that I think Neutral Milk Hotel is one of the best ever as I'm sure most of you readily agree with. The entire album's just 11 songs of unpolished, but nonetheless impressive songs, hinting at the genius of Jeff Mangum and the masterpieces he would create in On Avery Island and In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. Worth having for completists, but otherwise, it's not really all that great of an album, but like I said before, it's fascinating to see the early stages of some of my favorite NMH songs like "Gardenhead" and "The King of Carrot Flowers Part 2-3" (called "Synthetic Flying Machine" on Hype City). It ends with "Engine" another great NMH song.
11 songs, I think 7 them not featured on the three NMH releases, a little less than 29 minutes:
Neutral Milk Hotel - Hype City
I seriously doubt Jeff Mangum will care whether I psot this album, seeing as you can't really buy it. I'll be back either later today or tomorrow. I'm rather looking forward to this vacation.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
And now on to music:
They like Luther Vandross and Tool.
They covered the theme song to "Full House."
I still can't help but like the Pop Project.
I really love the cover of Zumpano, A.C. Newman's old band. The other songs are definitely worth checking out too, they're a rising pop band on Suburban Sprawl. This week's Suburban Sprawl week in case you didn't know. Visit their Myspace (link below) and decide if you like them or not, and decide whether to download the songs I guess because I don't have much more to say. April vacation started today. I'm pretty happy as of right now. I hate to remind you, but can you please try to click the ads every now and then? I'd really appreciate it. I love you all.
Too Late For That
Secondary Players
House of Books
The Only Reason Under the Sun (Zumpano)
Vegetables (Live Beach Boys cover, bad quality)
Holy Fool
Visit their website and their Myspace.
Buy their albums here, most are only $4!!!
Be back tomorrow with a full album post hopefully so no worries, but keep in mind that I'm going to continue posting mp3's too.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
"Electric violin, fuzzed out bass, busy drums, occasional vocals."
But they left out fucking awesome. Apparently, they're coming out with their first full length Awake and Dreaming on Suburban Sprawl Music. This is highly recommended for fans of violins and violas in rock bands and all those post-rock kids. This isn't really post-rock, it's more like roast-pock. Oh yay, I just invented a genre. Is pock even a word? I don't think so. Anyways, as I've thought about it, I guess this is post-rock so forget what I just said. Then they throw in the celestial vocals of the girl violinst at sometimes to complement the superb instrumentation to create some absolutely beautiful songs. The point is I really love these songs that they've made available on their website and on their Myspace.
el boxeo - New Science
el boxeo - Let’s Get Mythological
el boxeo - Devotion
el boxeo - Venture to the Black Lodge
el boxeo - the Rope
el boxeo - Tokyo (my favorite***)
el boxeo - Floating in an Orange
el boxeo's Myspace
Their website
I'm still going to be doing mostly album posts, don't worry, but from now on, I'll jazz it up with an mp3 post from a band relatively new to me. By the way, I fell asleep reading Frankenstein last night and I never finished it. I still think I did farily well on the test though. By the way, it was nothing like the movie. Be back tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Appleseed Cast - Most, if not all of their albums including their newest release Peregrine.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones. I haven't listened to this and most likely never will even though I do like that song "Maps", but I thought some people might be interested in this.
Be back tomorrow if I'm still alive.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Optiganally Yours Presents: Exclusively Talentmaker!

Another great album from Absolutely Kosher Records
Buy it here.
Sorry for the late post today. I'm not gonna be able to make one tomorrow because I have my first track meet which is from like 3 to 9. So yeah, I have to go read Frankenstein. But anyways, 100th post, wow. I haven't had all that great of a day. I'm kind of upset. Not over anything in particular. More just because of the lack of something in particular if you know what I mean. Rececntly, I've been feeling that a lot. I just can't wait for this school year to be over. This week actually, because then I have a ten day vacation or so. People are way too confusing sometimes. Sorry for this rant, time for Mary Shelley. Bye.
Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Most Serene Republic
Underwater Cinematographer
Broken Social Scene fans, take heed: The Most Serene Republic is what you want to hear. This indie-pop sextet from

I uploaded this a helluva long time ago, but forgot that I never posted it. There's a constant battle between this one and All Hail West Texas as my favorite Mountain Goats album. Even though in the end All Hail West Texas probably gets the nudge, Tallahassee remains an amazing album with songs that will just lift your spirits like the classic "No Children". Haha, honestly, "No Children" is one of the most depressing songs ever made, but I can't help but laugh when I listen to it. Highlights: "See America Right", "No Children", "Game Shows Touch our Lives", "First Few Desperate Hours", and my favorite Mountain Goats song ever apart from "Color in Your Cheeks", the final song on this cd "Alpha Rats Nest".
14 songs, 45 minutes. This is the first Mountain Goats cd I listened to, and it hooked me from there:
The night is lovely as a rose
If I see sunlight hit you I'm sure that we'll both decompose.
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Don't Be Foolish. Download this.
Or even better, buy it here.
I just took a nap. I'm thinking about going to the play tonight. I really want to see it, but I don't really have anyone to go with. So for now I'm watching Escape From L.A.
Friday, April 07, 2006

13 songs, about 53 minutes
Waiter: "You Vultures"
Buy it here.
It was my great-aunt's 80th birthday today, so I had to go over there and have cake and all that so I just got home, sorry for the late post. And now there's a lightning storm outside. Be back tomorrow.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

So here's the post from the archives:
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom
Initially, I didn't expect that I'd really like this band that every one was raving so much about. (eg CHYSY) But I downloaded their album Broom, which you can order off their site, and although this band may rival Clap Your Hands Say Whatever as worst band name of the year, I was delightfully surprised by their music. It's 10 songs and just about half an hour in length, but each song is wonderful. Easily one of the best albums of 2005, regardless of what Pitchfork says, who gave them only a 6.9.
Highlights Include: Download the album! The whole damn album's a highlight. But if I had to pick, my favorite song's the ninth track, "Anne Elephant".
Here you can download their debut masterpiece Broom.
You can also download their live acoustic song called "Accident" at their site. Or here too, why not.
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin-Accident
Buy Broom here.
Well, that post didn't really count since it's from the archives, so maybe I'll be back with another one later.

Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple realeased Tidal, her first album, when she was only eighteen in 1996. Full of character, personality, and passion, her songs really demonstrate her musicianship. Her deep alto voice will entrance you with its rich quality and sophisticated maturity. Her piano-playing is absolutely beautiful, as well, and it's quite to hard to view it as a mere accompaniment.
I have been listening to this album for years and it never gets tiring.
That was kind of lame, but you should definitely buy this.
This is not a post about music. Sorry, but there are a few things I'd like to address.
One is that we've been getting comment spam recently so we're gonna have a word verification thing to prevent that. Big news, eh?
Another thing is that I wanted to thank those of you that have supported the site by clicking the ads at the top and bottom of the page. Please continue it, it means a whole lot to the continuation of Serial Slingshot.
Also, I strongly urge you to download Firefox with the Google Toolbar. I'm not only sayinf this because it will support our site, but also because Firefox is superior to Internet Explorer in so many ways in my opinion. Well see for yourself please:
Well apparently I can't post Firefox correctly, so please just scroll down and click it and then you can download it.
Ok later.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
This site has 4 of his albums posted:
You can buy his albums here.
Just thought I'd let you all know that Giselle is in the play "Murder on the Nile" based on the story by Agatha Christie and it starts tomorrow. Wish her luck!
The Apples in Stereo - Fun Trick Noisemaker

I'm going to say this honestly. I think this album includes more hooks than any I've ever listened to, so if that's you style, then this is definitely an album you should download. "Tidal Wave" just will explode from your speakers. I can't say any more about this album, I might get too into it and I have to do homework.
13 songs, 40 minutes
Have Fun! with Fun Trick Noisemaker (courtesy of Regnyouth)
Password to unzip files: woj2322
You can buy it here.
The Apples in Stereo - Tone Soul Evolution

14 songs, 38 minutes
Tone Soul Evolution
Buy it here.
The Apples in Stereo - The Discovery of the World Inside the Moone

The Discovery of the World Inside the Moone
12 songs, 41 minutes or so
Buy it here.
The Apples in Stereo are coming out with a new album this year, I'm pretty excited. I have to go read Frankenstein now or something of that sort, but I should be back tomorrow. I'll do another Apples post within the coming weeks probably, if you like what you hear.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Honestly, this is one of the prettiest albums I've ever heard, especially "One More Night", "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead", "Calendar Girl", "Ageless Beauty, "The First Five Times", and the list goes on. Everyone loves this album and I'm sure you will too if there's the slight chance you haven't heard it yet.
Set Your Ears On Fire With This Blazing Album
**LINK FIXED** I just took one I found on MIR IS HEIR
Sorry about that, I guess I uploaded that one a long time ago or something.
Lame seannyboy.
Buy it here.
I have some bad news for all of you. My hard drive kind of crashed last night, so I'm gonna have to take the blogging at a slower pace. I really love doing this, probably more than anything else except maybe programming, but I just have to slow it down as I'm sure you'll understand. I'll still try to update when I can though. I'll probably be more active during the summer, even though I am going away for like a month to summer programs and vacation, but yeah, not a big change, but still, I thought I'd let you all know.
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Indie Connection recently posted Pas/Cal's second EP, Oh Honey, We're Ridiculous. Today I bring your their first EP, The Handbag Memoirs. This here is some mighty fine indie pop, folks. Since I am lazy and don't feel like writing in complete and comprehendible sentences, I will attempt to quickly but thoroughly review this by going through each track and mentioning what I like/think about it. Yes.
01 The Bronze Beached Boys (Come On Let's Go) - How Casimer Pascal's voice goes up on the occasional "go-o-o!" The handclaps.
02 I'd Bet My Life That You Bet Your Life - The sweet sleigh bells. The enthusiastic "That's right!" near the end of the song and drumming that follows. The handclaps.
03 I Wanna Take You Out in Your Holiday Sweater - The entire song, thanks. The trumpet. The mention of my favorite article of clothing. The handclaps.
04 Grown Men Go-Go - This is Pas/Cal at their tuffest..don't mess. The handclaps.
05 Marion/Mariam - Everything after 2:29 in this instrumental piece.
06 This Ain't for Everyone - The unpolished quality of this song. The vocals are particulary nice on this track.

My favorite song's either "Elsinore" or "This Isn't Farm Life." It's a solid pop album, full of hooks, it'll be a good listen.
12 songs, 40 minutes or so
Download it here.
Buy it here.
This might be my only post for today. On another note, the baseball season started and so far, I'm pretty much owning in my fantasy baseball league. (Okay Sean, we don't care.)
Sunday, April 02, 2006

I Am The Fun Blame Monster
Take a powerful tenor voice, guitar, piano, organ, sax, drums, and glockenspiels, throw it all into the Deeler (short for the homemade digital looping recorder software), and you have the brilliance that is Menomena. Acclaimed by many as one of the best albums of 2003, it sounds like nothing you’ve ever heard before. “I Am The Fun Blame Monster” takes you from indie electronica and glitch pop all the way to hip-hop.
These guys are absolutely nuts. If you don’t believe me, just go to their website. Even if you do believe me, go to their website.
I've done it all with none to show
Saturday, April 01, 2006

That was my attempt at describing this band, but they do it best at their Myspace here, where they have two tracks available for download by the way.
"Out of the madness of DC comes trademark beat-driven Exit Clov tunes of revolution, ennui and societal idiocy -- smart music for kids of the next century. Glossing sweet indie pop vocals over vitriolic bass, drum and guitar grooves, the combo introduces an exclusive sound that keeps an edge on dark pop, groove and surf rock. But despite the schizophrenia, you won't find Exit Clov straying far from the hot and catchy, delivering antidotes for a generation of music fans who seek songs clever enough to outlast the times"
5 songs, around 25 minutes
Support this awesome DIY band at the website by buying their albums here, they're really cheap too.
Thanks to my sister for sending me that. I'm going over my friend's house, be back later. Click on the ads sometime please, it would be greatly appreciated. If you do, I'll post more music. Also download Firefox from the left sidebar, it's so much better than Internet Explorer.

Full of handclaps, girls lamenting about about the Beatles breaking up, and songs about being in love with the lifeguard, this is some good times. I'm not even a girl, as hopefully you've all figured out by now, and I thoroughly enjoy this. Sadly I only have Disc 1 though.
My favorite song is "Summertime USA" by The Pixies Three. Is this a Beah Boys cover? If not, then wow, this is a pretty big rip-off, but whatever, it's like a female Beach Boys song and it's awesome.
25 songs, 61 minutes or so
Download here
Buy it here.
Be back with another post tomorrow probably.
Yes that was pretty lame, but I felt like I had to do something. So yeah, the post below was just a joke.
Be back with a post later.