Friday, March 31, 2006

The Clash - The Clash (UK)

London Calling will always hold a special place in my heart for being the album that made me fall in love with music. But the Clash's debut is the Clash at their rawest and punkest. I love it almost as much as London Calling. One of the classic punk albums of the late 70's. Absolutely brillaint, can't say how much I love this. I might be biased because I think the Clash may just be the greatest band ever, but still this album, like London Calling, is absolutely awesome. I could dissect it probably for an hour or so, but I'll spare you. "White Riot", "Career Opportunities", and my favorite Clash song "Janie Jones". With alternating vocals between Joe Strummer and Mick Jones, three chord guitar riffs that are catchy as hell, and sharply political angry songs, there's not a bad song on it. ESSENTIAL for all fans of punk rock and/or the Clash, as is London Calling.


Buy it here.

Be back tomorrow, I'm watching King Kong.

If you don't know already, Indie Surfer Blog posted a great link for a bunch of albums today:

Apples in Stereo
Belle & Sebastian
Elliot Smith
Jens Lekman
The Lucksmiths
The New Pornographers
The Avalanches
and so much more

I'll be back hopefully with an album post tonight, but that link should keep you entertained for now.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Suburban Kids With Biblical Names

What's that you say? "Oh Emily, I loved your swedish pop post! I downloaded I'm From Barcelona and then proceeded to soil myself with glee!" Well then don't throw your underwear in the wash just yet, my friend. I bring you more music from the fine Scandinavian country of Sweden.

Suburban Kids With Biblical Names started my whole swedish pop frenzy. I listened to their song "Rent a Wreck" and was immediately hooked. So catchy! So many "ba ba ba"s! So cute without being overly saccharine! The band is made up of Johan Hedberg and Peter Gunnarsson. They play shiny pop songs with clever Stephin Merritt-esque lyrics. Let's get to it.

This is their first EP. 4 songs long, #1 is a must-have for first time listeners. It includes the unusually cheery "Love Will," a break up song in which the guys slyly mention Joy Division. Yeah. Get it? Yeah. I love this EP.

4 more songs for your enjoyment. "Funeral Face" is very island-y and "Teenage Poetry" is very funny.

#3 is their debut album. All 12 songs are so so good. Handclaps? Check. Whistling? Check. Other aural awesomeness? Check. Sweet Jesus, I love this genre.

Buy everything here, from one of the greatest labels ever.


The Silver Jews - Bright Flight

How on Earth have I not done a Silver Jews post yet? It's quite amazing actually since the Jews are my favorite band ever, and probably will stay in the #1 spot for a long time.

Anyways, I know this album quite well. In fact I listened to it like 20 times in a span of two days once. I was bored and it was summer, give me a break.

I'm not sure where to even begin reviewing this album. Although it's not my favorite Jews album, it's still in my top 20 of all time. The highlight track of this cd though is the country-influenced song "Tennessee", which just brings me to a state of happiness. Even though I'd rather not admit this, "Room Games and Diamond Rain" and "I Remember Me" both make me an emotional wreck that I never knew I could be.

Alright, that confession took a lot, it's just that the stories spun by lead singer David Berman are just so amazing and beautiful. His soul-penetrating (I really mean this, it's so deep!) voice and his alt-country tinged songs will have you singing along by the end of the cd even though you don't know the words.

What else can I say, David Berman is my hero. Yes, I know it's great to have a former alcoholic who tried to commit suicide as my hero. But seriously, his music connects with me more than any other artist ever, except maybe Love or The Boy Least Likely To. And for all of you that care what Pitchfork says, they gave this album an 8.5.

10 songs, 35 minutes, some great stuff:

I'm gonna love you for a hundred years through suffering and celebration dear

I'd tell you to buy it here, but I want David Berman and co. to keep touring.

Be back tomorrow hopefully, I have to go finish that chemistry lab I was talking about.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Promise Ring - 30 Degrees Everywhere

First off, I just wanted to say that I'm gonna continue with the blog for now so that's good I guess.

The Promise Ring pretty much define the emo pop scene of the 90's with this album released in 1996 on Jade Tree. A lot of people are probably gonna hate this album, but I personally love it.

With handclaps, soft riffage, and amusing lyrics, the Promise Ring construct music that will make you as happy as emo possibly can. This isn't a dark album at all so you're mistaken regarding this album if you simultaneously think of boys in tight pants cutting their wrists and whatnot when you hear the word emo. It's more comforting than anything.

My favorite songs are: "Red Paint", "Picture Postcard", and I really like the last song on the album, the sole instrumental "We Don't Like Romance". This is an album that you'll come to appreciate with more listens. In fact, you may not think much of this album on first listen, but in my experience, it'll grow on you enormously. Most of these songs are build ups with that climax of pure elation. It's essential for post-emo/emo-pop/whatever-else-you-want-to-call-it fans.

The only complaint I have with this album is that sometimes the songs can sound similar and the lead singer whines through most of the songs, but it adds an emotional overtone to all of the songs, which I guess is good.

For fans of Sunny Day Real Estate, Jets to Brazil, Saves the Day, etc.

12 songs, around 36 minutes I think

Don't forget to kiss me if you're really going to leave.

Buy it here.

Well, as I said, I'm gonna keep blogging for a while. But PLEASE go out and buy the cd if you download music on here that you like. New cd prices are sometimes outrageous nowadays, and I know as a 15 year old without a job that I can't afford to go out and buy evey cd I want to hear. I'd be a few thousand dollars in debt. So yeah, I know there are others out there that want to hear new music, but don't have the money to buy everything that interests them, so I'm helping them to decide whether or not it's worth the purchase. And that's my justification. I'll be back tomorrow I hope but I have a big chem lab due Friday that I have to finish. And by finish, I mean start of course.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I've been dealing with some issues of morality regarding this blog. Is what I'm doing stealing? I'm not sure. I'm also not sure if I'm going to continue with this blog but you still have Giselle and Emily to run the blog if they decide to continue. I'm going to have to decide within this next week. By the way, I put up ads on my site a few days ago and I've made a whopping 30 cents so far. Ha, I'm not trying to be mean, but come on, clicking on them once a day isn't that hard. I'll still love you if you don't though. I'll post an album today because that's why you're probably all reading this.

Red House Painters - Ocean Beach

I think it's their best, and something I can say with confidence is that "Summer Dress" is the best song Mark Kozelek has made. I have neither the time nor spirit to make a proper review for this album, but hey I enjoy it. You probably will too if you're into that kind of mellow rock. Let me know if you think I should continue with the blog in the comments section to help me make my decision.


Monday, March 27, 2006


In Search Of...

o one ever really dies. Or at least that's what N.E.R.D. would say. The Neptunes (Chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams) got together with their friend, vocalist Shay, to create a novelty to the world of R&B. Their album "In Search Of" was made available to the UK in 2001 and re-recorded with live instrumentation by Minneapolis funk band Spymob for a US release in 2002. I offer you the latter, which is reminiscent of the likes of Jamiroquai (all about the funk, if you're not familiar).

Not everyone is a fan of this album. Pitchfork gave it a mere 6.0, in fact, but that's just one opinion in the sea of many. I happen to find this album extremely catchy, clever, and fun. Well, I'd reccommend a listen if you like anything along the lines of Outkast's "Stankonia".

I pray to God I make it home alive, I don't get pulled over by the man

I just want to make it home to hold your hand

Voxtrot - Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, & Wives


That's my review.

But seriously, this is the new EP they're going to be releasing on April 4th so I guess it's an advance copy. Like their last EP "Raised By Wolves", this one has 5 songs, which out of the title song and "Soft and Warm" both make my heart jump. Actually all of the songs have thier perfect moments if you know what I mean. To sum up this EP, I'd just say that Voxtrot sounds less like the Smiths on this one and more along the lines of Belle & Sebastian and Beulah, at least on the songs "Four Long Days" and "Soft & Warm".

5 songs, 18 minutes:

Link removed as request by the band so go out and buy it!

It's just as good as their previous EP "Raised By Wolves" in my opinion, if not better.

Link removed, again, I importune you to go out and support Voxtrot by buying their albums.

Buy either of the EPs here at Voxtrot's website.

Anyways I should be back later hopefully.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

gregoRy and the hawk - Boats and Birds EP

Comprised of two members, Meredith and Mike, gregoRy and the hawk have recently been gaining more attention and a larger fan base. They were even a Myspace featured artist a while ago! Ha. This acoustic band from New York has released one EP so far which has been met with wide critical acclaim. This EP has 8 songs including the underground hit "Boats and Birds." With their mellow folk songs, tinged with this untangible emotion and honesty, gregoRy and the hawk will capture your heart and make you demand for more.

My favorite might be the song "In Fact" with lyrics like:

"Step 1: Light me on fire.
Step 2: Walk clean away.
I won't burn long, and evidence of your done wrong
will be gone in seconds I swear."

For now, you can't buy their songs anywhere else, except they're going to make them available on-line soon. Well, I beat them to it!

8 songs, 23 minutes:

If you be my star, I'll be your sky

Be back sometime tomorrow or later. Enjoy.

The Mountain Goats - Zopilote Machine

This is a delayed response to a request a while ago, and I'm sorry it's so late but I just got hold of this album.

For some reason, thise album won't work in Windows Media Player except for the first song, but all of the songs play in Itunes, but I'm not sure about other audio programs. It's pretty weird but whatever.

This album contains maybe the best Mountain Goats song ever made "Going to Georgia", the last song on the album, and other wonders such as "Alpha Icipiens" and "Going to Lebanon" which I had heard an awesome Beulah cover of, but it doesn't match the original. I haven't listened to it all that many times yet because I wanted to get it up since it was a request and all, but honestly, anything John Darnielle releases is pretty much gold. There's just so many more highlights on this album like seriously, "Standard Bitter Love Song # 7" is a classic angry love song by the Goats among other gems.

I think it's missing the last song and I'm really sorry about that, I'll try to get hold of it and post it later.

In conclusion, this is some good early Mountain Goats (not John Darnielle's best, but not far from it) and if you're a fan, you should check this out if you haven't already. And it'd probably be a good introduction too if you're not familiar with the band, 18 songs, 38 minutes:

The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you and you're standing in the doorway.

Buy it here.

Just got home from Church, be back later, but my brother's having a bithday party so I might not be able to do another update today.



Cast of Thousands

The atmospheric Brit-rockers of Elbow had their 2004 release “Cast of Thousands” produced by Billy Hillier, who also produced some of Blur’s stuff. I went through a stage of obsession with Blur three years ago, and “Cast of Thousands” is renewing that love for me.

Sometimes you get a Chris Martin vibe from lead singer Guy Garvey, and the truth of the matter is that Elbow have been completely overshadowed by Coldplay, in America at least. They’re more experimental alt-rock, comparable to Radiohead in this way.

One thing I love about Elbow is their lyrics (We still believe in love, so fuck you). They are mostly warm and sometimes melancholy, but never naïve (I blow you a kiss; it should reach you tomorrow as it flies from the other side of the world).

Alright, well if you’d like to drift into a 13 track, hour-long dream sometime, listen to “Cast of Thousands”.

All you have is kisses

And all I need is you

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Beach Boys - Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of the Beach Boys

Even though I guess I can't consider this is a real album since it's a greatest hits and all, it's one of the favorite cd's I have. Whenever I go out for a ride in the car, this is the first cd I pick. The Beach Boys are one of the best bands ever, and this compilation just encaptures some of their great hits throughout their career, totalling 30 songs and 76 minutes of sheer pop brilliance. Seriously, if you don't like the Beach Boys, I hate you. My favorite song on this by them are umm...all of them! Ha, but seriously, "God Only Knows" is one of my all-time favorite songs, and all of these songs are just awesome for lack of a better desciption. I mean come on, it travels from "California Girls" to "Barbara Ann" to "Heroes and Villains." What more can I say, it's the f***ing Beach Boys!

Download (It's over 100 MB hence Megaupload.)

Buy it here.

Be back later, I've got stuff to do today though like watching some movies.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I'm From Barcelona - Sing!!

So I think it's about time I acknowledged my love for swedish pop and for Sweden in general. I love the little socialist country. Sweden is home to stylish yet affordable furniture, gorgeous scenery, and the cutest music ever.

With that said, it should be no surprise to learn that I'm From Barcelona are actually from Sweden. These 20-something friends play fun and energetic pop music and aren't ashamed to throw in a bunch of handclaps and "na na na"s every now and then. They've been called the Swedish Arcade Fire, and I guess that comparison would ring true if the Swedes were considerably less attractive (don't hate, I love those Canadians) and more dramatic. Seriously, these kids are pretty carefree. The two "heavy" songs deal with chickenpox and reluctance to wear glasses. CAN YOU HANDLE THAT? ARE YOU SURE?

Sing!! is their six-song EP. It's definitely feel-good music.


Try e-mailing the band at for this one.



The Pipettes

The Pipettes - Judy
The Pipettes - Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me
The Pipettes - School Uniform
The Pipettes - In the Bleak Midwinter

This band makes me so happy. Like honestly, how could you not love a bunch of girls singing a parody about KFC and god, did you see the picture?

All of these are just singles, I don't think they've come out with a full length yet, but it's something to look forward to. Judy contains three songs, the title track being a three-minute song about a girl named Judy filled with a certain teenage angst hopefulness. Yes, very hard to predict that one. But it's followed by my personal favorite Pipettes song (they only have like 10 anyways, right?) "It Hurts to See You Dance So Well", but sadly it only last a minute long. It's such a happy dance song that I cannot help smiling wildly and banging my head. Yes, I bang my head to the Pipettes. I'm sitting in a chair, okay? It's not like I could break dance. Ha whatever, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. God I'm lame.

It Hurts To See You Dance So Well Judy at KFC.

The second rar file is just one song, "Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me", the new song from the band, but it's definitely another great pop song from the band.

Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me

Preorder Your Kiss Are Wasted On Me here.

The single School Uniform also features the same song "It Hurts To See You Dance So Well" as Judyd did, but the other song on this single is absolutely worth it. "I Like A Boy In Uniform (School Uniform)" is just another pop song, this one about liking a boy in uniform, and then finding out that he also likes boys in uniforms. Ha.

School Uniform

The single "In the Bleak Midwinter" doesn't have great recording, but it's still pretty good. However, it's probably my least favorite of these four.

In the Bleak Midwinter

4 singles today, not bad I guess. I'm looking forward to this weekend. No running! I have to wake up early again tomorrow to tutor kids. It's not that bad though. I'm gonna go have pizza now. Be back later I hope.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hefner - The Fidelity Wars

As you can most likely guess from the title, the cd mostly deals with heartbreak and troubles in love. I am also having troubles in love. I think I really love this album by Hefner, but I'm not sure if it feels the same way. Ha. Lame seannyboy. But yeah, I have really gotten a kick out of this album so far, especially the phenomenal opener "The Hymn of Cigarrettes."

The album does not let up from there though. With cute love lyrics like "And every prince who lives in Greece will tear themselves to pieces for this beauty..." A lot of the album delves into with diffidence and insecurities in a relationship, and it's really interesting to see the thoughts and emotions of the singer in these songs. Anyways, it's pretty much just 45 minutes of emotional pop from Darren Hayman of Hefner. Perfect for those experiencing heartbreak, Hefner won't let you down on this cd. Hayman weaves his way through the songs with his memorable lyrics and doleful tunes to create a cd that you will find poignant and hopefully liberating.

11 song, 45 minutes, good emotional britpop

How can she love me if she doesn't even love the cinema that I love?

Buy it here.

Sorry I didn't get a post in yesterday, track's taking up a lot of my time now. When it's over in say two months, I'll be able to post more often. Be back tomorrow I hope if I'm not dead.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire

Oh! The Grandeur

“Oh! The Grandeur” is Andrew Bird’s sophomore release, and my favorite album of his. Maybe you remember him as the violinist from Squirrel Nut Zippers. Maybe you don’t. In any case, he’s talented as all sin and he really lets it show with this 1999 release.

O!TG is a gypsy jazz album that you could would expect in a different era, at a time as early as the turn of the century. The neo-swing feel brings you back to the thirties at least. His excellent diction and intelligent lyrics are charming. The intricate violin features are enchanting. The album as a whole is simply mesmerizing.

Download: Rock that Candy Shop!

Buy: Set it on Fire!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Fall - This Nation's Saving Grace

Arguably the best album released by the classic post-punk The Fall, This Nation's Saving Grace is a listen. And repeated listening most likely.

L.A.'s probably my favorite song, or maybe Cruiser's Creek which is another rocking song that will hopefully get you shaking your head or something of the sorts.

Really, what more can I say, it's hard to critique a band with such esteem as The Fall, so I guess you're just have to listen for yourself. This album doesn't have a lot of standout tracks, but it's just so consistently good.

16 songs, 65 minutes

What You Need

Buy it here.

I just got home from track practice and now I'm off to the doctor's so I'll be back tomorrow or later maybe, but I need a new good proxy if any of you know of any reliable ones that won't mess with my computer.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Regina Spektor

Mary Ann Meets The Gravediggers And Other Short Stories

She’s Jewish. She’s Russian. She can friggin’ play that piano. Regina Spektor is known by any fan of the anti-folk genre.

Her sassy allure was unleashed with her previous work: 2001’s “11:11”, 2002’s “Songs”, and 2004’s “Soviet Kitsch”. Her next move was to release a compilation available only to the UK: January of 2006 brought “Mary Ann Meets The Gravediggers And Other Short Stories”.

If none of this is sounding familiar, just take this advice: If you’re an Amos, Morrissette, DiFranco, or Newsom fan, you will like Spektor. She changes her vocal style constantly, and it’s interesting, to say the least. I happen to think it’s awesome that she can convey her stories (And oh, what stories they are!) in such a creative way. A lot of it catches you off-guard… The first time I listened to one of her albums, for example, I had to keep asking myself “…Did she really just do that?” and hold down the back button to hear it again several times. She does some fun ad-libbing, makes some crazy noises with her throat, and deliberately goes off-key, which is not always friendly to the ears at all times, but it’s all a part of the general effect that she wants to create.

Songs like “Oedipus” and “Consequence of Sound” will have your getting your groove on in no time, while “Us” and “Chemo Limo” will have you choked up… Just listen. It’s really beautiful.

15 Songs over 57 minutes

Mary Ann's a Bitch!


Bright Eyes - A Christmas Album

Hey sorry, I just got home at 8 tonight because I had my first track practice today (which was hell) and then I went to see V for Vendetta which was actually pretty sweet, even ignoring the fact that Natalie Portman's my future wife.

Anyways, on to Bright Eyes:

Well, it's too bad, I had always though Conor Oberst was a Jew. I joke. The rendition of "White Christmas", with the girl singing it, is probably the best song on this album of classic Christmas songs performed by Conor Oberst and co. The cd's pretty interesting, and will most likely be a good listen around Christmas time. I like Christmas tunes, I'll admit it and since I'm a fan of Bright Eyes, I was inclined to like this album. Bright Eyes does a pretty good job in performing these songs too, it's something to check out. Conor Oberst does an excellent version of "Blue Christmas" by the way, which is one of my favorite Bright Eyes songs.

11 songs, 32 minutes

A good pickup for Bright Eyes Fans, or christmas enthusiasts too:

Conor Oberst is rich enough, but here's the link to buy it if you want to.

I'll try to get in another post(s) tomorrow.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Danielson - Ships (ADV)

Danielson, no longer part of the famile I guess, are releasing this album May 6th on Sounds Familyre Records. I haven't formed a solid opinion on it yet, but some songs are definitely awesome, such as probably the best song "Cast It At The Setting Sail." How could yuo not love the wailing childish voice of Daniel Smith. Tell me your opinion on it, but so far after a few listens, I can definitely say I enjoy it. I don't know if it's a "Five Stars and Two Thumbs Up" (which happens to be great closer to the album), but it's worth a listen for sure.

11 songs, 42 minutes

**Link removed as request by Secretly Canadian Records. I urge you to go out and buy it, it's truly a great album.**

I'm in a pretty bad mood today, my computer pretty much broke and track starts tomorrow, so I'm not gonna be able to update as much, but I'll try and you still have Giselle and Emily to make posts.


Yann Tiersen

Thirty-five years old, Yann Tiersen was born & raised in France and started taking piano and violin lessons when he was only six. He was much influenced by the French alternative/post-punk scene in the eighties, playing with numerous bands. His music is a mixture of piano ballads and accordion waltzes, sometimes accompanied by haunting vocals or delving into the genre of rock n’ roll with crisp guitar riffs and clever basslines.

1999 - "Tout est calme" (Tiersen’s fourth album, but his first real claim to fame) ; 10 songs over 27 minutes; Buy

2001 - “L’Absente” (features vocalists such as France’s Dominique A, The UK’s Neil Hannon, America’s Lisa Germano) ; 12 songs over 46 minutes ; Buy

2005 – “Les Retrouvailles” (features Liz Fraser formerly of the Cocteau Twins and Stuart Staples of Tindersticks) ; 16 songs over 44 minutes ; Buy

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Books - Lost and Safe

It’s difficult to describe the greatness of The Books in words. Sure, I could throw out useless descriptions such as "creative" and "original", but to fully comprehend their awesomeness, you must experience it. Guitarist Nick Zammuto and cellist Paul de Jong rarely sing in their songs. Instead, they combine the guitar, cello, violin, obscure vocal samples, simple sounds, and a variety of other instruments to create a fascinating indie electronic/experimental quilt of a song. When there is singing, soft-spoken Zammuto’s vocals are mellow and beautifully quiet.

This is Lost and Safe, their third album. Give it a listen.

Lost and Safe

Please support them and buy it here.

Speaking of The Books, I just saw them live last night. HOLY SHIT. I’ve heard about how good they are live, but I didn’t expect them to be so amazing. While performing each song flawlessly, the guys also projected synchronized clips from their unconventional collection of video and film clips. The clips ranged from bizarre (footage of the early founders of the Mormon church) to heartwarming (home videos of Zammuto and his brothers as kids). Forgive me for taking such a crappy picture, but it was the best I could do. Photography wasn't allowed, and I was sitting next to an old man who kept looking over sternly at me. Whatevzzzz.

Seeing them perform live made me love them even more, which is not an easy feat, since I already love them a lot lot lot. They are touring right now, and if they’re playing in your area, I strongly urge you to go.


Beulah - Yoko Demo

I love Beulah. They're probably one of my favorite bands ever. Anyways, Yoko is the most personal album that Beulah made, and it's one that even though it may not make a real strong impression on you now, it will definitely grow on you. I love this demo, and it's of excellent quality considering that they were recorded in the living room of one of the band's members. Also, you get to enjoy some commentary of the band like "I fucked up that bit" after "Your Mother Loves You Son." I admit I've never heard the actual studio album, but the demo is an emotional last effort from a band redefining their sound, and succeed in doing so effectively. While I don't think it's as good as "When Your Heartstrings Break" days, which is one of my favorite albums, again like I said about Islands, if you go into this not comparing this album to their previous work, you will probably enjoy it.

This demo isn't offered on Amazon, but you can buy it here.


Be back later I hope.


Friday, March 17, 2006

The Owls - Our Hopes and Dreams

About a year ago, I downloaded this song called "Air" by the Owls, and I immediately became obsessed. It was one of the greatest songs I had ever heard. So anyways, I had pretty high hopes for this album containing "Air", and I have to admit, even though the rest of the album doesn't really even approach the greatness of "Air", I was anything but disappointed. The album's full of pop sweetness, alternating between male and female vocals. Not a bad song, it has its upbeat songs like the infectious "Do Ya?" or the duet "Baby Boy" and then its more mellow songs like "Drop Me A Line". Piano and guitar together is always a good thing.

Note: This is not the emo offshoot of the band Cap'n Jazz, this band's just a great pop band from Minnesota.

Only 8 songs, about 25 minutes, DEFINITELY worth the download at only 29.3 MB.

Your hopes and dreams in Our Hopes and Dreams

Buy it here.

Be back sometime tomorrow hopefully.

The Good Life - Album of the Year

Album of the year? That's a pretty audacious title to name your album, but The Good Life, of Saddle Creek Records, back up the claim pretty well here.

I expected something completely different hearing it was a side project of Cursive, but the Good Life are a lot poppier. There are some major delights on this album including the snappy upbeat spotlight "Lovers Need Lawyers" that strangely reminds me of Beulah a lot. The rest of the album contains more sweet pop melodies with heartfelt, and at times, brillaint lyrics of Tim Kasher. It's mostly mellow throughout, but it has its moments like the catchy piano-driven tune "Notes in His Pocket".

Overall, I enjoyed this album much more than I could have possibly anticipated, I was just gonna review it and then delete it from my computer, but now it's staying. Quite possibly the best thing Saddle Creek has produced other than Bright Eyes.

12 songs, 53 minutes

Download the Album of the Year

Buy it here.

I have nothing to do tonight except watch movies, and I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to tutor inner-city kids. Oh joy. Be back with more post(s) tomorrow or maybe later tonight.

Eric's Trip - Peter EP

Hey everyone, Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have a treat for you all today.Well, I was at FYE last night, and I noticed that they had this hard-to-find EP by the beloved indie rock 90's band Eric's Trip (yes, named after the Sonic Youth song) on sale for $5! Well, I was happy considering it's going on Amazon for like $70 at the moment. Anyways, this EP by the Canadian band on Subpop contains six songs and runs only 17 minutes, a nice little quick cd that's very enjoyable. For fans of Sebadoh, Guided by Voices, etc. Released in 1993 by Murder Camp Records. This is 90's garage rock at its best and noisiest, recorded on a 4-track in a bedroom, the best song by far is "Haze" which is one of the defining songs of the 90's in my opinion, but the other tracks all are good for the most part, including the upbeat tune sung by Julie Dorion on this EP "Happens All The Time" that I'm listening to right now and loving. Essential for fans of Eric's Trip and worth checking out if you're not...yet.

Always In My Eye

I'd tell you to buy it somewhere, but you can't for this one! Unless you pay $70 or get lucky like me.

I'll be back later with some post(s). Until then, I hope you enjoy yourselves. As for me, I've got a bag of popcorn the movie Leperchaun waiting.

Patrick Wolf

Let me just start my saying that I am in love with Patrick Wolf. Continuing on…

Wolf began recording at the age of eleven and was discovered when he was only sixteen, at which time he toured with a European orchestra (explaining his tendency to include violins, violas, and the like in his current stuff). He also joined a French punk band (Maison Crimineaux) in his late teens. Now twenty-one, he will croon to you about mythology and make you feel his agony.

His genre? Electro-folk pop. His voice? It’s a little something I like to call “asdfhfuckingamazingksdjfksd”, which may be translated to “please sing to me all day in your British accent, thank you.”

Wolf's name is actually just an alias. Okay, so he’s kind of obsessed with lycanthropy (werewolves). He incorporates this into his music by condensing passages of folklore to express his troubled childhood. The way he writes is raw and revealing; I commend him for his courage in telling all. His cynicism is blatant, but the way he crafts it through intricate melodies is mesmerizing.

It is my belief that the romantic Patrick Wolf is a dark genius; a dreaming artist and visionary with so much to offer.

Wind in the Wires
13 songs, 46 minutes
Teignmouth: My favorite Patrick Wolf song. So beautiful.

13 Songs, 42 minutes
The Childcatcher: Probably the creepiest song I've ever heard.


Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Etiquette

Armed with a battery-operated keyboard and stories of love, heartbreak, and everything in between, Owen Ashworth performs short little lo-fi songs under the moniker Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. I'll admit that the subjects of the bulk of his songs veer into emo territory, but if you listened to the melodies alone, you couldn't tell. Each one of Ashworth's synth-pop gems is catchy, bouncy, and memorable.

Etiquette is Ashworth's newest album. Released last Tuesday (March 7) on Tomlab, Etiquette doesn't stray too far from Owen's previous releases. The only major difference is the sudden appearance of two new female vocalists on several tracks. I'm not complaining, though. I think they sound cute. Give this album a listen, dudes. Maybe I'll post his other albums later.

Etiquette. 12 songs. Roughly 30 minutes.

Buy here


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Detachment Kit - They Raging. Quiet Army

Yet another good punk rock band Frenchkiss Records throws our way, the Detachment Kit are one of those high-energy bands that gets my heart racing whenever I listen to them, and feel like throwing my body into someone else's. Even though that would never happen because I'm not very physical in thw way. So yeah, The Detachment Kit is the pop kid's hardcore band. Even though they're not really hardcore.

Whether you think you're just Les Savy Fav imitators, I don't really care. They're just a good band.In fact, they're probably one of the bands that I experience the most enjoyment from when I listen to them. They Raging. Quiet Army starts out with a great opening song with a tremendous guitar hook on the song "High Seas." Later on, I just feel like screaming my head off during the two songs "Dead Angels Make Slow Sound" and "Sitting Still Talking About Jets", my favorite two on the album. There are lighter moments on the album in a few poignant songs such as "The Euphio Question" and "Never Hear Your Words." However, this is the Detachment Kit at their hardest and rawest, and while I still prefer their more recent album "Of This Blood" this album is definitely worthy of a download.

10 songs, about 43 minutes

Your ghost is nothing but a foreign memory

Buy it here.

I have no school tomorrow so I should be able to make another post tonight. Check back.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Elliot Smith - Roman Candle

First of all, I'd like to thank Giselle for cluing all our readers in on how big of a loser I am. But seriously, thanks, I'm wearing that t-shirt tomorrow, it's so sweet. It says "How many digits can you count?" and then has like 500 on the back. Whatever, pi's cool, okay, now to music.

Elliot Smith's stunning debut after his band Heatmiser broke up.

The only reason I'm posting this is that I feel bad for not posting anything today yet, but I have to finish up a research paper and technically, I'm not supposed to be on here and my brother's being a complete asshole, but Chris, I don't want to go into it, but this post literally took me less than 3 minutes to do. So anyways, I'll do the rest of the review later, but it contains 9 songs, all worth hearing if you're a fan of Elliot Smith.

Roman Candle (Return to Rapidshare)

Buy it here.


Jeff Mangum - Live at Jittery Joe's
Most people either love or hate Jeff Mangum's voice. Personally, I love it. A lot. It's got John Darnielle's nasally charm and a helluva lot of emotion. His voice isn't the only thing I love. In fact, I find the man to be extremely interesting. His obsession with Anne Frank? Yeah, that's creepy but endearing. His strange and wonderful lyrics? His disturbing doodles? Fascinating. It really is a shame that such a brilliant songwriter like Mangum is on indefinite hiatus.

An essential album for any Neutral Milk Hotel fan, Live at Jittery Joe's is a 1997 recording of Mangum playing a solo set at an Athens, GA coffeehouse. It's got everything you would have heard were you actually there– song introductions, Jeff's goddamn beautiful vocals, applause, Jeff's requests for water, awkward mid-song pauses, a fussy/happy baby, the whole shebang. Of the 12 tracks on the disc, my favorite would have to be "Engine." I've heard many versions of the song, but this one is particularly touching. An awesome cover of Phil Spector's "I Love How You Love Me" is a close second, though– my old newspaper advisor even played that at her wedding.

Live at Jittery Joe's


In other news, hey guyz!!! S^???!? So I'm Emily, the other writer. I will probably post a ridiculous amount of indie pop. Swedish pop, to be more specific. I love that stuff. Prepare yo'selves.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006


One Time for All Time

Feeling restless? Sad? Confused? Angry? I have found you the perfect aid for every ailment: 65daysofstatic. One dose of “One Time for All Time” will have you coming back for more and more and more…

It’s epic electronic/instrumental post-rock. Yeah. I don’t even know how to describe this stuff. Think Mogwai meets Radiohead meets Sigur Ros meets Explosions meets Godspeed! …Okay, that’s kind of vague, yes, but I think that the guys of 65dos have it in their minds to give you something completely different than you’ve ever heard before. Gosh, have they accomplished that!

Now, I am shivering in anticipation to tell you about my favorite tracks. They are, incidentally the first and last songs on the album. Don’t get me wrong. The middle is anything but boring; There’s never a dull moment with these guys. It’s chaos. They sure do know how to hook you in and close with a bang, though. I am partial to #1 “Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here” because of the SWEET keyboard melody & the breakdown ¾ of the way through. The precise beats and ritard at the end of the song leave you screaming for more, and more is what you get. Oh, yes. You will sit at the edge of your seat for another half hour (9 tracks in total) listening to the intricate rhythms and unexpected brick walls of guitar noise cleverly crafted in at all the right places. #9 Radio Protector is a beauty. The first time I heard it, I was asking myself “Earthquake?” Ground-trembling my friends. The earth shakes.


Just remember: You can always press pause. Remember to breathe.

9 Songs, 37 minutes. Released October 2005.




Hey sorry for the lack of updates today. I have a research paper on the seventeenth century literature in England due Thursday, so until then I won't be able too update much. If you know anything about the subject, please help me! I'll still try to get at least one post in tomorrow, and hopefully, one of our other administrators will too.


The Fiery Furnaces - EP

First off, I just want to congratulate my friend Giselle on a wonderful first post and a great follow-up, and hope you all welcome her to the blog as I'm sure you all have already.

But on to the music: A 41-minute EP? By a pop band? The truth is that, as everyone will probably tell you, this "EP" is more than just an EP, it's a great album containing Fiery Furnaces b-sides and singles to date.

This is the Fiery Furnaces at their most accessible and poppiest. Personally, this is my favorite of theirs. I have no idea how these songs can possibly be b-sides.

The opening song "Single Again" is pretty much the perfect song to start off this album or EP or whatever you want to call it. It'll make those of you who are in a relationship want to be single again, and those who are single, something to temporarily forget your struggles in relationships. Key word mates: temporarily. Whatever, enough about me. Ha. Okay. Anyways, I really dig this "EP", one of my top picks of 2005.

The sweet, cute melodies of this EP will hopefully have singing along at the top of your lungs, and then if you're like me, attempting to dance. Again, key word: attempting. The wailing voice accompained with the distorted guitars, plus weird, but appealing electronics on some of these songs, make this album definitely a good addition to any music library.

I don't want to go into further detail, because you should be spending this time listening!

10 songs of pure pop genius

Buy it here.

Giselle and/or I should be back with more posts tomorrow. Plus we've just added a girl named Emily to the mix, but that should be it for a while. Also, as I've noticed Giselle's been doing, I've switched to Megaupload mostly just because it's easier, and the transfer rate's faster.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Sondre Lerche and the Faces Down Quartet

Duper Sessions

Norwegian pop star Sondre Lerche and the Faces Down Quartet have brought a beautiful, romantic, jazzy pop album into the world. “Duper Sessions” is 13 tracks (plus one hidden!) running just over forty minutes.

Most of the songs are original, but the three covers on the album include:

The sensible melodies of “Duper Sessions” will stick in your head with just one listen. Classy lyrics are combined with the perfect mélange of upbeat energizers and slow-paced ballads. Lerche’s unforgettable voice is enhanced by the nuances that the Faces Down Quartet bring with the solos that show off their pure musical talent.

I was surprised to find out that most of the songs on this album were recorded live because of what I have heard of Lerche’s previous albums, which are very produced. Apparently, they wanted to show everyone what they sound like at their live performances. After hearing this album… What I wouldn’t give to see them!

There are games you should know of, such as romance and
turtle doves

Can we dance instead of walking?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hello there everyone, this is Giselle here to help out my friend Sean with this blogging business. I think it's a great concept. Okay then, onto the music.

All the way from Australia, I bring you The Lucksmiths with their "First Tape". They've been spitting out folk-pop goodness for over a decade. Their lyrics are full of humor and a certain wisdom, and will undoubtedly leave you with a smile on your face! The brisk, fun melodies the they produce will have you dancing. To top this off, their Australian accents will have you charmed, if not swooning (I've found myself attached to the latter).

To recap, this trio's "First Tape" (literally self-released released as a cassette in '93) brings you 11 songs over 23 minutes that will have you:
Indeed, a worthy download
An even worthier purchase

Love - Forever Changes

The greatest f***ing album ever made. Period. I can't do this album justice writing about it, so just download it and listen for yourself, or even better, go out and buy it if you haven't already.

This edition includes 7 bonus tracks, 3 non-album songs that are awesome, but the other 4 are just different versions of songs on the album, pretty interesting. I actually like the alternate "You Set the Scene" better than the original I think, because of the screaming/singing/rapping at the end. This album was probably the smartest purchase I've ever made. Except I really like my coat. Eh whatever, Forever Changes is amazing.

Forever Changes. Love is love.

Buy it here.

I have to go to my cousin's house tonight for her birthday so this'll be the last post of the day. But rest assured, this is by far the best album I've posted yet, and probably ever will.

Orange Juice - The Glasgow School

I hadn't really been all that familiar with Orange Juice before this album, so I didn't know what to expect. I know they had been pretty big influences of Belle and Sebastian and Franz Ferdinand, and that whole Scottish scene.

I thought this was a greatest hits type of compilation when I bought it, but it turned out to be a compilation of just early songs from the band. However, there's not really a bad song on it, so it might as well be a greatest hits.

I really love the instrumental "Moscow", the opener "Falling and Laughing", "Simple Thrilled Honey", "Blue Boy" (which the band Blueboy took the name after), and maybe my favorite song on the album "Wan Light".

Here's Amazon's review:
"A lovingly packaged reissue of the early singles and the entire "Ostrich Churchyard" first album, which have never been officially released in America until now. Contains 2 bonus tracks, which have never been released. This imitable band has inspired bands like The Smiths, Belle & Sebastian, Franz Ferdinand, and more."

Here's Pitchfork's Review. (Pitchfork Rating: 9.3)

An album easy to dance to. (If I was capable of actually dancing. All I can do is really either tap my foot or jump up and down.) It's essential for Orange Juice fans and I recommend downloading it if you're a dan of the bands they influenced. Overall, it was a very good introduction to the band for me and I really enjoy this cd as I hope you will too.

The Glasgow School

Buy it here.

I'm recruiting more people for this blog. I'll be back with one more post today I think.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Microphones - Don't Wake Me Up

Phil Elverum, I feel you.
It sucks to be woken up, especially to go to school for 6 hours that doesn't even have WinRar on its computers. And it won't let me download it either.

I don't think that's what he meant but whatever.

At the moment, I'm not a huge fan of the Microphones or Mount Eerie. But they're one of those bands that I can see myself really getting into one day.

I don't have enough time to listen through all this album today, but I like the songs I've listened to so far. Plus I'm lazy. One thing I loved though is the "Good Vibrations" sample in the song "Florida Beach."

So here's Pitchfork's review: (Pitchfork Rating: 8.2)

15 songs, 40 minutes

Don't Wake Me Up

You can buy it here.

Be back tomorrow hopefully with two posts so check back.


Q and Not U - No Kill Beep Beep

The debut album from this now broken-up band from Dischord Records. While I prefer Different Damage, which I promise to post in the next few weeks, I also really like this album. It's just agressive, high energy indie-emo-punk rock.

This review was taken from Amazon:

"Hotness, Five Stars, October 17, 2004
Reviewer: M. C Wright "bro status: approved" (Rexburg, ID United States) - See all my reviews

Dude I am diggin' this album man, it is enjoyable. It makes me want to fold like a notebook. I am definatly sure that these boys are bawdy bawdy, real rawdy."

Kill Me in My Favorite Clothes

Buy it here.

I'm not really sure how the Ring Dance went last night. I mean, I had a pretty good time, but I'm not sure if my date did. Whatever, I'll try not to worry about it. I even studied MTV to learn how to dance. It didn't really work.

Be back soon with another post I hope. I still need some help running this blog though, all the people interested haven't contacted me again.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Built to Spill - There's Nothing Wrong With Love

Built to Spill in its sweet little indie pop days. I'm posting this in anticipation of their new album, due out sometime this year. I'm a pretty big Built to Spill fan, so I obviously love this album, even though I think their personal best is "Keep it Like a Secret".

Just the emotional voice of Doug Martsch makes this album great, plus the cute little hooks. Probably my favoriteBuilt to Spill song "The Source" is the highlight of this album in my opinion.
12 songs, runs roughly about 46 minutes. Contains some stellar songs, such as "Car", "Stab", "Reasons", "the Big Dipper', "Twin Falls", etc.

Oh God, now that I just listened to this album trying to review it, I cannot wait for the new album.

Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5

Built to Spill Was Built to Kill

You can buy it here.

Ring Dance tonight! Wish me luck! God, I sound like such a girl. Whatever. I hope it goes well.

Be back tomorrow with the info and new music.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thunderbirds Are Now! - Justamustache

This band from Frenchkiss records seems perfect for a sweet dance party scene. Seriously, look for them to be playing during a party on the OC sometime this season. I could particularly see "Eat This City." It probably already has. Anyways, the lead singer sounds like a girl, and it's really sweet. I could definitely see this becoming one of my most listened to bands. Hopefully it will become yours too. The girlish vocals of the lead singer are pretty amusing, and gives the band an original sound.

I just woke up. I fell asleep listening to Beulah for a few hours so click here for Pitchfork's review. (8.0, pretty good)

Eat This Album (Not Literally)

You can buy it here.

Sorry I didn't get a lot done today, I fell asleep as I already told you. Plus today was just one of those days you know. And I should get hopefully at least 1 post tomorrow, but I doubt any more because I have the Ring Dance to attend. Wish me luck!


Neva Dinova - The Hate Yourself Change

I saw this album up in Massachusetts one day in the middle of alt. country phase. I had listened to their split EP with Bright Eyes, and I really liked it, so I ended up buying their full-length. It's not really alt. country though, it's more emo-folk.

First off let me say, there's one song on this album called "Ahh" that simply amazes me. It's one of the coolest songs ever. Jake Bellows' vocals just stretch on from the stereo into my mind, if you know what I mean. It's pretty sweet.

But the rest of the album isn't as good as that one song. They could definitely do without some of the songs that just sound the same. I mostly agree with Pitchfork on this album, but get it straight, I do enjoy listening to it. There are great songs on it like "Yellow Datsun" and the most upbeat song "A Picture in a Pocket." The album for the most part is relaxing and good to kick back and listen to, although it gets boring on a few songs like the monotonous "The Champion".

Read Pitchfork's review. I don't have that much time.

Rating: 3 11/16 out of 4

hahaah, it was somewhere in between 3 1/2 and 4

If you're into emo-folk or Saddle Creek, you'll most likely enjoy this album. An hey if you don't, you can always just delete it, right?:

I dream of murder, and you.

How sweet is that line? It's in the song "Cold Calls" on the album, it's another gem.

You can buy it here

Its 8 o'clock and I'm not at school. How sweet are teacher conferences? I'll be back with one more post today, so check back. And maybe one of the new bloggers on Serial Slingshot will make a post too. Ideally, we'll post at least 3 new albums daily. I've been trying to do that, but it's getting pretty hard.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Gastr Del Sol - Mirror Repair EP

Another post. Sorry, I hate the number 37. Now it's 38 posts. Ha I'm weird.

Five songs, pretty interesting. I don't love it or anything, but I thought I'd just post it for Gastr Del Sol completists since this EP's something like $13 on Amazon or people that wanted to explore the band.

After this though, I'm gonna look further into Gastr, I haven't really heard much of them, so anticipate another post about them fairly soon.

Mirror Repair

You can buy it here.

-Sean, I have a delayed opening tomorrow, maybe I'll get a post in. Later

Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas

I just picked up this cd at my local library a few months ago without ever listening to them before, and it caught me completely by surprise. I had never really been a fan of the shoegaze genre, for example I just never liked Loveless by My Bloody Valentine, which supposedly was a masterpiece according to everyone else I knew. But the song orchestrations on this album matched with the beautiful vocals helped make me realize the beauty of shoegaze pop. At least in the Cocteau Twins. The entire album seemingly floats on like a dream. Released in 1990, if you're feeling a little stressed, and need to be relaxed, download this.

Oh yeah, my rating.

Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5

Heaven or Las Vegas. Listen here.

You can buy it here.

-Sean, be back tomorrow. (Or new bloggers!!! Be nice to them!!!)

Hey, if you haven't been to the blog Oh No!, I highly recommend you doing so.

Run by three guys, they update a ton, and if you're into the band Half-Handed Cloud like I am, they posted the new album! It's pretty awesome.

Anyways, get over there if you haven't already, it's a great blog and they seem like really nice guys.


P.S. We're adding two more administrators to the site to take some of the posting pressure off of me. So far two people have messaged ,me about it and they seem really cool, so expect posts from them in the next few comin days on Serial Slingshot.

Akron/Family - Akron/Family

Weird folk electronic pop music. "Before and Again" is a great opener. Some people absolutely love this album, claiming it the best album of 2005. I think it's pretty good, and if you're into experimental folk, you'll probably love it.

"I'll Be on the Water" is one of the sweetest songs I've heard in a while. It's just really cute.

"Running, Returning" might be the best song on the album though
I'm not sure how I really feel about this album yet.

I'll start a rating system I think:

RATING: 4 out of 5

Good idea, Sean, my boy.

I'm not crazy about this album, but I like it. I think it'll grow on me.

Pitchfork gave it an 8.0 if you cared to know. Go there for a longer review.

Akron is Family

I really need to stop with the lame link titles.

You can buy it here.

I'll be back later with one more post if all goes as planned.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I have a feeling I'm gonna run out of music to post.

So if any of you are interested in co-running this blog with me, im me at Kokakola613 or e-mail me at

I used to have (and still have) and obsession with the Clash, who are probably the greatest band ever. (not my favorite, like 5th favorite. favorite and best are very different)

Later, I'm off to lighting. Wish me luck.


The Light Footwork - One State Two State

I'm in a pretty great mood. I got a date to the Ring Dance! Score yo. I was kind of expecting a different reaction, more of an "Oh my God! I'd love to go with you!" rather than the "Sure" I received. Whatever, I'm happy.

Anyways, I like this band. A lot. Everyone does. You will too. Their debut album "One State Two State" is 35 minutes of sheer pop joy, alternating between a male and female singer quite effectively.

Listen and you'll be in a state of joy

God, my humor is getting more and more pathetic.

Whatever, it's a really good pop album.

I heard they were somehow connected to one of my favorite bands Beulah, maybe some members of Beulah are in this band now? I don't know if there's any truth in that though.

I love Beulah. I'm gonna post about them soon.

You can buy it here.

Oh yeah, we had CAPT testing begin today and it's ridiculously easy. I'm happy about that too.

Alright, I'm gonna go off and enjoy my moment. Maybe I'll be back later, but probably not.


Belle and Sebastian - "Tigermilk"

I know what you're wondering. How many Belle and Sebastian posts am I going to have? Well, I just don't know. I'll probably post one a week. I can't help it.

Whenever I am down, I immediately pop in Belle and Sebastian's debut album "Tigermilk". "The State I Am In" is my all-time favorite song, unquestionably too I think. It's just my theme song. Anyways, the first three songs are just amazing, and then it carries on with such ditties as "My Wandering Days Are Over" and "Mary Jo" to conclude it. Oh wow, I just called songs ditties. Arrghhh, I need to leave my house more. It's easily in my top 10 favorite albums ever, but I'm not sure if I prefer it over their sophomore effort "If You're Feeling Sinister."

Either way, it's phenomenal. If you're into that kind of stuff. Seriously, if you say you like Belle and Sebastian and haven't heard this album, you might just love them after you hear this.

10 songs. Just over 40 minutes. Good stuff.

Drink in some Tigermilk

Buy it here.

I have guitar lessons. I suck though. Whatever, it's kind of fun I guess. Be back with one more album later I think.


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